"Visa procedures for foreign artists and performers have grown increasingly labyrinthine, expensive and arbitrary, arts presenters and immigration lawyers say, making the system a serious impediment to cultural exchanges with the rest of the world."While virtually any visa applicant can face difficulties in gaining admittance to the United States, elite runners have a relatively easier time in entering U.S. races than do mid-level runners. Elite runners can qualify under the P-1 or O-1 visa, which require a certain level of acclaim in the field. Unfortunately, mid-level runner may find it difficult to qualify under these visas, and must therefore rely on the B-1 visa.
This presents a difficult Catch-22 situation as the B-1 visa disallows any kind of compensation or remuneration other than prize money. Here is the relevant portion of B-1 visa regulations as listed in the Department of State's Foreign Affairs Manual, which controls visa decisions by consular officers.
9 FAM 41.31 N9.4 Professional Athletes
a. Professional athletes, such as golfers and auto racers, who receive no salary or payment other than prize money for his or her participation in a tournament or sporting event.
Not every competitor can win prize money, so funding trips to the United States simply on that basis becomes a difficult proposition for mid-level foreign athletes, many of who are of limited financial means.
"It's a tough ask for someone who lives in a village where there's no electricity to pay their own way," Turnbull says. "But if I want to help these athletes out as a promoter, I can't do it. There can't be an exchange of finances."